The Importance of Newborn Care

Island Pediatrics of Honolulu is headed up by Dr. Jenny Welham, a skilled pediatrician who understands the importance of newborn care in Honolulu, HI. No matter your baby’s age (or your experience as a parent), this treatment type is critical for your little one. These checkups (with our team of skilled experts) are designed to provide many unique advantages. Newborn visits can help teach you about basic care techniques, such as:

  • Holding a Newborn: Dr. Welham can help you learn how to hold your baby (supporting the neck and back just so) to keep them safe from serious injuries while they’re still so delicate.
  • Feeding and Bonding: Island Pediatrics of Honolulu can teach you the importance of proper feeding and bonding with your baby in its first few days — essential for you both.
  • Techniques: Do you plan on breastfeeding or chestfeeding your baby? Do you (like many people) not know the difference? We’re here to help you: we know these techniques perfectly.
  • Changing: Knowing when (and how) to change your baby is critical — we can teach you the techniques needed to minimize injury risks.
  • Bathing: If you’re a new parent, you might not know how to wash a baby (it’s more complex than you’d think), but we can help you figure out how to keep your little one safe.
  • Vaccinations: Regular immunization can keep your baby safe from sickness (including conditions like mumps), and we’ll do what we can to keep yours as healthy as possible.
  • Sleep Support: Babies need a healthy amount of sleep to avoid exhaustion, and we can help you understand why yours might be struggling to rest soundly at night.
  • Understanding Baby Poop: It probably sounds strange — you’re not alone if it confuses you — but your baby’s poop highlights different elements of their health, and newborn visits can figure out how.
  • Managing Diseases: As your baby grows and develops (it’ll be quick in those early days), newborn care in Honolulu, HI, ensures they hitting the right milestones…and not sick.

Your Baby Deserves Help 

Our team at Island Pediatrics of Honolulu — led by Dr. Welham — knows how to provide high-quality newborn care in Honolulu, HI, and will fight for your needs. A newborn baby can be scary (especially if it’s your first), but with help, you can take care of yours. Don’t hesitate to call us at (808) 944-1844 to set up your appointment: it can make all the difference.

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Location & Hours

Our Location

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Dr. Jenny Welham


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

