What To Expect During a Sick Child Visit

What to Expect During a Sick Child Visit

While you hope your child never gets ill, this isn’t a reality for most kids. Though you can manage some issues at home, sometimes the illness requires a sick child visit at Island Pediatrics of Honolulu, serving Honolulu, HI, and the surrounding area, with Dr. Jenny Welham. While you may be nervous, we want you to know that we strive to make you feel comfortable during these visits. Understanding what to expect can help ease your concerns.

Assessing Your Child

We aim to make this process as painless as possible for your child, recognizing that they are already feeling unwell. The last thing they need is prolonged procedures or unnecessary discomfort. At a sick visit in Honolulu, HI, we focus only on the necessary testing. We will begin by reviewing your child’s medical history. If you already have one on file with us, you'll just need to update it. 

During the exam, we’ll ask about your child’s symptoms, including when they started and whether they seem to worsen at specific times. Depending on the issue, we may measure your child’s weight and height. We might also check their vitals, including blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. Occasionally, we’ll measure their pulse oximetry — a test for blood oxygen levels.

In some cases, we may need additional information, which could involve taking a blood sample, scheduling an X-ray or other imaging, or collecting samples for further testing.

Providing Treatment

Whenever possible, if further testing isn’t necessary, we’ll provide treatment on the same day. This might include an antibiotic if the issue is a bacterial infection. Sometimes, we prescribe antibiotics as a preventative measure rather than a treatment. Antibiotics may come in the form of ear drops or eye drops if your child has an infection affecting those areas.

However, treatment does not always require medication. Your child might need only at-home care, which we can recommend. For example, an over-the-counter medication might help reduce their fever, and dressing them in light clothing or using a cold compress on their forehead may also provide relief. In some cases, the treatment may involve keeping your child comfortable while we await a formal diagnosis or test results.

Contact Island Pediatrics of Honolulu

A sick child visit at Island Pediatrics of Honolulu, serving Honolulu, HI, and the surrounding region, with Dr. Jenny Welham, involves two main components: diagnostics and treatment. The specifics of the care will depend on your child's particular issue, and sometimes treatment may not be provided during the initial visit. Call us today at 808-944-1844 to learn more or to schedule a consultation.

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Dr. Jenny Welham


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

